Public Race/Bracket:
Anything goes, dial your own index, .500 full tree; qualifying RTs determine elim. charts (1. vs. 32., 2. vs. 31., in a 32-field)
winner: Daniel Singer, Switzerland
ru: Jürg broder, Switzerland
3rd: Björn Gnant, Austria
LQ: Claudia Germann, Switzerland, .501 RT
closest to d.i.: Alex Mahl, Austria, on dial 3 times!
Pure Stock: Sealed Parma or PS-2003 S16D with 48-pitch Pinion (may be soldered on); brushes and springs may be replaced; Inline-chassis with bushings, 1/8" axle and 48-pitch gear; min. weight = 125g; elims: 1. vs. 32., 2. vs. 31.,...; .500 full tree
winner: Thomas Schäfer, Switzerland
ru: Kescha Platonow, Austria
3rd: Thomas Schäfer
LQ: Thomas Schäfer, 0.966
LET: Alex Mahl, 0.956
TS: Alex Mahl, 45.86 mph
Super 16: blueprinted S16D (bushings only), with 16D or S16D-arm, shunt wires allowed, any chassis (ball bearings OK), min. weight = 125g; .500 full tree, 16 car field.
winner: Alex Mahl
ru: Peter Kouba, Austria
3rd: Alex Mahl
LQ: Markus Reichl, Germany, 0.914
LET: Alex Mahl, 0.904
TS: Kescha Platonow, 48.42 mph
G12: G12-Motor (C-can w. ceramic mags) with tagged arm (Gp.12 or X-12), bearings OK, any chassis (ball bearings OK), min. weight = 125g; .400 pro tree, 16 car field.
winner: Kescha Platonow
ru: Peter Kouba
3rd: Thomas Schäfer
LQ: Markus Reichl, 0.810
LET: Markus Reichl, 0.807
TS: Alex Mahl, 53.88 mph
G20: G20-Motor (C-can) with tagged arm, ballbearings OK, any chassis (ball bearings OK), min. weight = 125g; .400 pro tree, 16 car field.
winner: Markus Reichl
ru: Alex Mahl
3rd: Alex Mahl
LQ: Alex Mahl, 0.782
LET: Markus Reichl, 0.780
TS: Kescha Platonow, 54.90 mph
Scale Top Fuel: G20-Motor (C-can) with tagged arm, ballbearings OK, inline chassis (ball bearings OK), modern TF-body (Lexan, Resin or kit based) with wing, scale rear tires (.500 x 1.15 min.) min. weight = 120g; .400 pro tree, 16 car field.
winner: Thomas Schäfer
ru: Kescha Platonow
3rd: Peter Kouba
LQ: Kescha Platonow, 0.757
LET: Kescha Platonow, 0.757
TS: Kescha Platonow, 55.10 mph
AA/Funny Car: G7/G27/Top Gun - Motor(s); .400 Pro Tree, 16 car field.
winner: Kescha Platonow
ru: Peter Kouba
3rd: Markus Reichl
LQ: Kescha Platonow, 0.460
LET: Kescha Platonow, 0.460
TS: Kescha Platonow, 86.21 mph
Special Awards:
Tough Luck Award (Orga pick): Team Caso & Alvarez
First Perfect Light Award: Alex Mahl, .500 in S16 Final
Long Distance Award: Team Caso & Alvarez
Best Lexan Bodied Car: Peter Kouba
Best Hard Plastic/Resin Bodied Car: Peter Kouba
Best Engineered Car: Roger Lüber

Raffle Winners:
Straightline FC body by Roger Lüber
JDS Cavalier body: Fabio Schneider
Parma Drag Truck body by Claudia Germann
Fast & Furious kit by Kurt Fink
Revell Mongoose FC kit by Dani Singer
S16 D Drag Motor by Pro Slot: Peter Kouba
Gp12 Drag Motor by Pro Slot: Christof Fessler
Gp20 Drag Motor by Pro Slot: Daniel Caso
Gp20 Ian Hill Corvette by Jörg Stauffer: Björn Gnant
TF Dragster by Jörg Stauffer: Jürg Broder